Wednesday, November 17, 2010

50, 50 Things. Part 3: Oh Rocky!

1. The Rocky Horror (Picture) Show has a lot of meaning for me. Some of the best memories in my life surround that movie/soundtrack.
2. When/If I become a professional entertainer, I hope to be as nice and accommodating as Joan Jett.
3. I regret some of the past few years. More than I probably should.
4. I'm trying not to avoid/put off people and important life situations anymore. It's becoming a problem I'm learning from the hard way.
5. God Damn if I don't love a nice glass of white wine and pasta.
6. One of the best movies i've ever seen, only one other person I know has seen it, and probably will be the only one to ever see it. I want a ballooon....
7.  My favorite year in high school was Junior year. Fucking EVERYTHING happened in those months.
8. My favorite year in college was Sophmore year. Fucking EVERYTHING happened in those months.
9. I don't plan on moving out of Chicago for the next few years. I'm selling my car, which cements that. Kinda fucking freaks me out to be honest.
10. I miss driving on a summer/spring night with the windows down blasting The Runaways.

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